We are excited to announce that the Sturgeon I, a rare surviving example of a wooden gill net vessel, has been added to Heritage BC’s map of Industrial Heritage Places! Built in 1948, the 34-foot boat reflects the rich history of boatbuilding and fishing that once defined coastal communities like Malcolm Island.
The Sturgeon I was constructed in Sointula for local Albert Tarkanen, who began fishing at age ten and was only seventeen when the boat was completed. Finnish-born boatbuilder Toivo Aro built the hull at his shop, while the wheelhouse and interior were completed at Tarkanen Marine Ways.
Our submission of the Sturgeon I to Heritage BC as a site of industrial heritage reflects its value as a restored example of the boatbuilding and fishing industries that contributed significantly to the economic and social fabric of British Columbia. This vessel stands as a testament to the countless boatyards and fishermen who built livelihoods from the sea, supporting entire supply chains that ranged from construction to the global marketing and sale of fish products. It also symbolizes the growth of many coastal villages, where knowledge of boatbuilding and fishing was shared across generations.
The Sturgeon I’s presence on Heritage BC’s map emphasizes the importance of industrial heritage in understanding the province of British Columbia’s past. As defined by the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), industrial heritage includes the remains of industries that hold historical, technological, social, architectural, or scientific value. This map offers a glimpse into BC’s industrial development and invites viewers to reflect on the lasting impact—both positive and negative—that industry has had on the province.
We invite you to explore the Sturgeon I on Heritage BC’s map of Industrial Heritage Places and discover other industrial sites across British Columbia. For more details about the boat’s restoration journey and to see photos, visit it virtually. Better yet, come see the Sturgeon I in person at Sointula Harbour, right beside Burger Barn!
We are grateful for the generous support of Heritage BC.