From Sheila
Living on an island wrapped with a shoreline of water worn rocks, I am unable to resist the temptation of pocketing a few eye-catching ones during my daily dog walks. We make quite the pair with my dog, Pippin, dashing about in all directions chasing waves or enticing scents while I amble along with my head down, eyes on the lookout for the day’s ‘perfect’ pebble. Most are passed over, some are inspected more carefully and a few are tucked into a pocket. Criteria varies from day to day; stripes; smooth, colour, shiny, interesting shapes…Once home they are pulled out to be admired and likely join other pebbles and rocks on the kitchen table or pass through. Eventually, if worthy enough, they may be placed in a bowl or jar with others, some of which date back to my childhood. However, it is more likely they will find themselves back outside to join other rocks and pebbles which are strewn about our yard, reminding us of many earlier walks and adventures.

Terra is on view from July 1st to 31st showcasing works from six Malcolm Island artists, each exploring our island’s unique plant life: its diversity, beauty and uses. Throughout the month we’ll be chatting with each artist and reflecting on one of his/her/their submission.
If you’re interested in purchasing any of the works on display, please reach out to us at info@sointulamuseum.ca by text or calling 250-230-9650, or contacting us through Facebook or Instagram.